I think that much of the work that is done today in music and songwritting and verse suffers from this unwillingness to submit yourself to the anvil of rhythm and rhyme. It makes it too easy. When you are compelled to find rhymes and to satisfy rhythms, it makes you run through everything you know about the langage. It makes you run through word after word after word and test every idea.
Leonard Cohen, One on One : The Imprint Interviews, November 19, 1992
Lettre ouverte
Cher Monsieur Jean S.,
Permettez-moi de vous adresser cette lettre ouverte. Aujourd’hui, nous apprenons qu’une poétesse a reçu le Prix Nobel de littérature 2024. J’emploie à dessein le mot poétesse, qui désigne le poète de sexe féminin.
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